Computer Science Superheros

Ajay Bhatt

Ajay Bhatt

Birth:June 9th, 1957

Education and Achivments: Ajay Bhatt is most well known for his invention the USB. He also
has over 130 other patents including the AGP bus which improves graphic card performance.
Ajay went to Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India but he got his masters at the
City University of New York
TME Ajay Bhatt inventor o the USB

Philip Donald Estridge

Birth:June 23rd, 1937
Death: August 2nd, 1985

Education and Achievments:Philip Donald Estridge is most know for the imvention of the IBM personal computer. He graduated from the Universety of Florida with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. While he was in the military he helped invent a radar with computers, and he started the personal computer industry after he left the military.

Computing History

Katherine Johnson

Birth:August 26th, 1918
Death:February 24th, 2020

Education and Acheivments: She graduated highschool at the age of fifteen. She then went to graduate with the highest honors from West Virginia State college with a PHD in mathematics. She then went towork for NASA as a calculator and plotted the path for a space journey in 1961. She later also helped with the Apollo 11 trip and the return of Apollo 13. She earned a Persidential Medal of Freedom from her work. She was very necessary for the advancement of NASA.